
Practice areas

Public Law

Our years of experience working in academia and the public service, whether advising authorities, designing and implementing the creation of new public institutions, processing bills, administrative proceedings, and litigating before the Constitutional Court, provide us with a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of the State. We have extensive expertise in the field of public law, which encompasses constitutional and administrative law. In this area of practice, we highlight our experience in providing advice on probity and public ethics, both in preventing conflicts of interest and representing officials in summary proceedings. We leverage this experience to serve our clients in both the private and public sectors.

Regulatory Law

Currently, a significant portion of private economic activity relies on, and requires, increasingly complex administrative instruments for its development. Thus, sectors such as energy, mining, health, urban planning, and, in general, any project that has a significant environmental and social impact, operates within a framework of regulations such as authorizations, concessions, permits, inspections, etc. The professionals in our firm have extensive experience in these regulated sectors and, in particular, have personal knowledge of the actions of regulatory bodies.

Normative Standards in Gender and Minority Rights

Both our professional practice and academic background have been closely linked to the incorporation of a gender perspective and minority rights, spanning both the public and private spheres. In this regard, we have the tools to integrate this element into private initiatives, as well as in the activities of public organizations or entities. Similarly, we understand the significance and scope of incorporating normative standards associated with probity and transparency into both private and public management, and how these standards relate to the image of companies and institutions. This includes conducting talks, training sessions, and reviewing internal company protocols on sexual harassment, workplace issues, and gender. We also conduct investigations regarding the internal handling of a complaint of workplace or sexual harassment.

Human Rights

The approach to the promotion and protection of human rights is evolving. The more traditional view focuses on safeguarding individuals against the actions and omissions of the State, understanding that the latter has an irreplaceable role in protection. The State's protective role remains relevant, but in recent years, it has been complemented by initiatives from international bodies and non-governmental organizations, which acknowledge that businesses also play a significant role in respecting human rights. Our firm advises both public and private agents, whether in the traditional sense of human rights protection, including litigation before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, as well as advising companies that want to incorporate respect for and promotion of human rights into their management.